作者 andylu1207 (andylu1207)
標題 [新聞] 據報導 Samsung 和 AMD 簽署一份價值30
時間 Sat Apr 27 08:56:37 2024

原文標題:Samsung Reportedly Signs USD 3 Billion HBM3e Deal with AMD
[News] Samsung Reportedly Signs USD 3 Billion HBM3e Deal with AMD | TrendForce Insights
According to a report from Korean media outlet viva100, Samsung has signed a new USD 3 billion agreement with processor giant AMD to supply HBM3e 12-l ...

According to a report from Korean media outlet viva100, Samsung has signed a new
 USD 3 billion agreement with processor giant AMD to supply HBM3e 12-layer DRAM
for use in the Instinct MI350 series AI chips. Reportedly, Samsung has also agre
ed to purchase AMD GPUs in exchange for HBM products, although details regarding
 the specific products and quantities involved remain unclear.

Earlier market reports indicated that AMD plans to launch the Instinct MI350 ser
ies in the second half of the year as an upgraded version of the Instinct MI300
series. The MI350 series is reportedly expected to adopt TSMC’s 4-nanometer pro
cess, delivering improved computational performance with lower power consumption
. The inclusion of 12-layer stacked HBM3e memory will enhance both bandwidth and

In October 2023, at Samsung Memory Tech Day 2023, Samsung announced the launch o
f a new HBM3e codenamed “Shinebolt.” In February of this year, Samsung unveile
d the industry’s first HBM3e 12H DRAM, featuring 12 layers and a capacity of 36
GB, marking the highest bandwidth and capacity HBM product to date. Samsung has
provided samples and plans to commence mass production in the second half of the

Samsung’s HBM3e 12H DRAM offers up to 1280GB/s bandwidth and 36GB capacity, rep
resenting a 50% increase compared to the previous generation of eight-layer stac
ked memory. Advanced Thermal Compression Non-Conductive Film (TC NCF) technology
 enables the 12-layer stack to meet HBM packaging requirements while maintaining
 chip height consistency with eight-layer chips.

Additionally, optimizing the size of chip bumps improves HBM thermal performance
, with smaller bumps located in signal transmission areas and larger bumps in he
at dissipation areas, contributing to higher product yields.

The adoption of HBM3e 12-layer DRAM over HBM3e 8-layer DRAM has shown an average
 speed improvement of 34% in AI applications, with inference service users incre
asing by over 11.5 times.

In view of this matter, industry sources cited by the report from TechNews has i
ndicated that this deal is separate from negotiations between AMD and Samsung Fo
undry for wafer production. AMD plans to assign a portion of new CPUs/GPUs to Sa
msung for manufacturing, which is unrelated to this specific transaction.

據韓國媒體viva100報導,三星已與AMD簽署了一項價值30億美元的新協議,以供應HBM3e 12

早期的市場報告顯示,AMD計劃在下半年推出Instinct MI350系列,作為Instinct MI300系

BM3e。今年2月,三星推出了業界首款HBM3e 12H DRAM,擁有12層,容量達36GB,是迄今為

三星的HBM3e 12H DRAM提供高達1280GB/s的帶寬和36GB的容量,較前一代八層堆疊記憶體提
高了50%。先進的熱壓縮非導電膜(TC NCF)技術使12層堆疊能夠滿足HBM封裝要求,同時保


採用HBM3e 12層DRAM而不是HBM3e 8層DRAM,在AI應用中平均速度提高了34%,推理服務用


據我所知目前最先進的HBM3e應該是Micron 再來Sk Hynix, 個人推測蘇媽有可能是產能問題

另外 之前AMD合作的雲端服務大廠是不是只剩Microsoft了?博通跟Nvidia又更穩了!!

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: andylu1207 2024-04-27 08:56:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cB4r7wT (Stock)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1714179399.A.E9D.html
s987692: 從來沒聽說,消息在哪?1F 04/27 09:02
kevinmeng2: 三星自己發的新聞?2F 04/27 09:04
bakayalo: 低階的都給三星,不然顯卡入門區間沒幾張卡3F 04/27 09:12
a000000000: 尼知道的一堆都錯的  三星12hi先做出來
美光還不知道在哪裡爬   當然三星良率未知4F 04/27 09:16
rainf: 完了 塊陶啊6F 04/27 09:17
andylu1207: 我指的就是加上良率.. 目前HBM3e領先的就是美光.....7F 04/27 09:35
a000000000: 鎂光量產時間晚半年   尼說海力士還比較像回事9F 04/27 09:40
tony890415: 大錯特錯 海力士大於三星大於美光好嗎
美光一直都是老三10F 04/27 09:41
appledick: 三星其實放棄晶圓代工,往記憶體深耕就對了,未來記憶體的重要性同等晶片13F 04/27 09:53
a1379: 美光HBM超慢開始做...現在還在爬15F 04/27 10:01
onewaylun: 美光市佔不到5% 你要確定耶….Hynix還是王者
你應該不在記憶體業吧…16F 04/27 10:13
bakayalo: 可是記憶體價格起伏太嚴重了,大家都增產當白菜賣18F 04/27 10:21
lise1017: HBM3E 海最強 三跟美 伯仲
但說真的誰也拿捏不了誰 這技術門檻沒有高到短時間無法超越
而且客戶又少 掉個一兩單 故事就變了19F 04/27 10:26
Transposon: AMD盤後連兩天神仙指路,不知道下週財報是不是要殺一波23F 04/27 10:30
cheerf: 8112至上開噴25F 04/27 10:54
robin101246: 丸子
下週法會26F 04/27 10:56
PTIMIKE: 菜雞問一下,HBM 是不是難在封裝28F 04/27 11:53
shlee: 美光在技術上目前是領先者沒錯 數據實測比其他家好更有效率 但問題就在於美光產能沒那麼大輸其他人很多 所以他現在積極的投資要擴產 美國政府也給了補29F 04/27 12:08
pf775: 韓國人有技術?33F 04/27 12:20
roiop710: 未來記憶體誰更快誰得天下34F 04/27 12:36
PoloHuang: SK殺爆全場35F 04/27 12:41
fedona: amd就是廢36F 04/27 14:15
lineage170v: HBM3E 最快是Micron37F 04/28 01:08

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