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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-09-24 16:14:57
看板 Beauty
作者 djljing (娛樂金魚眼)
標題 [神人]who is she?
時間 Sun Sep 24 00:04:16 2017


like the title.
does somebady know her?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PneO28C (Beauty)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beauty/M.1506182658.A.20C.html
hipster5566: kill himself pleas1F 09/24 00:05
ss2121647: look like my wife2F 09/24 00:06
djljing: her eyes are so charming.3F 09/24 00:06
IS5F5566: she is a girl4F 09/24 00:07
st9760916: how do you turn this on5F 09/24 00:07
wayi0421: Bady6F 09/24 00:07
djljing: is it good to drink?7F 09/24 00:08
rightmask: Jenigu8F 09/24 00:09
st9760916: who's your dad9F 09/24 00:10
djljing: I catched the pic on ig ,but I don't know her name.10F 09/24 00:10
Liquid: This is a book.11F 09/24 00:11
sunjoker: I have an apple12F 09/24 00:14
st9760916: I have a pen13F 09/24 00:17
vivishe: Apple pen14F 09/24 00:20
makinoyui: Elle est ma copine.15F 09/24 00:27
dedeka: ah li gu16F 09/24 00:28
lym0520: She is he17F 09/24 00:36
kk55662003: Maybe you should ask your English teacher18F 09/24 00:41
mamba081024: despacito19F 09/24 00:41
tenegege: I called IkEA20F 09/24 00:43
n19605gh: Ich bin Ein Stein21F 09/24 00:47
Briancatw: Ich habe keine Ahnung22F 09/24 00:51
qpp222208: Everybody hands up!23F 09/24 00:51
n61208: Ikea, Cosco24F 09/24 00:57
fantastic340: She is ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem os25F 09/24 01:00
prince1983: Ggininder26F 09/24 01:01
babyMclaren: Overrated27F 09/24 01:04
CK5566: She is my grandmother28F 09/24 01:05
djljing: 沒人看過她喔蠻正的耶29F 09/24 01:06
YuiLover: I don’ know but i like her30F 09/24 01:08
jasonliu0105: Heisenburg !31F 09/24 01:08
CK5566: Please speak English32F 09/24 01:09
kai6366: Say my name!33F 09/24 01:12
dororoxz: NI YO FREESTYLE MA?34F 09/24 01:12
jeff8231: skr skr35F 09/24 01:12
nova06091: 林北英文就是爛36F 09/24 01:15
q076262018: Say fucking Chinese in Taiwan or fuck off37F 09/24 01:19
Irving0412: what's wrong with you38F 09/24 01:22
tt5850: An apple a day keep the doctor away39F 09/24 01:23
vovo15925835: Ya ya ya ya40F 09/24 01:23
h11103: wow wow wow wow41F 09/24 01:23
j198811: You can google42F 09/24 01:26
depe5175: what are you talking about43F 09/24 01:26
bchen: Costco44F 09/24 01:27
s91613: OhOhOh45F 09/24 01:28
justdiving: What's going on here? Why is evreyone speaking Eng46F 09/24 01:28
justdiving: lish?
wanboboq: I don't know sorry48F 09/24 01:32
yowhatsupsli: Hola, chica49F 09/24 01:34
Elivanta: 知らなかった50F 09/24 01:35
zxc6113555: who is the rap of china?  me51F 09/24 01:36
youwilldie: Good morning miss Lin52F 09/24 01:37
pase139: Very man.53F 09/24 01:40
astrorice: She is so-so. And doesn't have chin.54F 09/24 01:41
gamlty99: why post my girl?55F 09/24 01:41
cong594283: Do you know sushi?56F 09/24 01:41
MaxScherzer: Taco sushi sashimi!!!57F 09/24 01:56
Wwww4452: gorden ramsay58F 09/24 01:59
TKW5566: We r under atk59F 09/24 02:01
yuanchu: How are you? Fine Thank you60F 09/24 02:01
poisonshing: It's a pic of cake for me about how to get her na61F 09/24 02:03
poisonshing: me, in fact she is a man,u know
haw58999: Who is the rap of China?63F 09/24 02:06
mileshbk29: it's not your business64F 09/24 02:09
Kqk0129: This is a book65F 09/24 02:09
bat205: This is an apple66F 09/24 02:10
kwanles: This is a pen67F 09/24 02:11
bear520: hakuna matata68F 09/24 02:12
Lambo1228: A piece of cake69F 09/24 02:13
zilean308: I like your bady70F 09/24 02:14
ornv: Yu mi she71F 09/24 02:16
kop78110: Hodor!72F 09/24 02:20
roger60801: Allahu akba73F 09/24 02:21
jj3414im: shape of ___74F 09/24 02:21
OneKa: oh,english lesson? I like it! Teach me!75F 09/24 02:22
telescopy: What is happening here?76F 09/24 02:24
justin61417: Her name is akira77F 09/24 02:27
mylaptan: an apple a day78F 09/24 02:28
pikachu808: What's going on here????79F 09/24 02:30
ab318612: yo girl80F 09/24 02:30
joker00507: wanna eat my dick??81F 09/24 02:34
williamlo: I dot car82F 09/24 02:34
Audien: No Fried Lie83F 09/24 02:36
LiWhite: Yeee84F 09/24 02:37
Magiclwf: Somebady?85F 09/24 02:42
AHEAD099: These opportunities do not belong to you.86F 09/24 02:46
na4biv: IKEA Cisco Yamaha bmw airbus87F 09/24 02:47
a9898oyre: i don't need a 勾芡88F 09/24 02:47
LinSinBun: 鶴立雞群89F 09/24 02:50
ether4615: なんで英語ばかり??90F 09/24 02:54
sway326: why?91F 09/24 02:54
YuiLover: Maybe who knows but I don’t know now92F 09/24 02:56
Lambo1228: umbilicus93F 09/24 02:56
PerFrancis: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious94F 09/24 02:57
jeffispig: You no nothin95F 09/24 02:58
leon1309: 乍看之下…我以為看到王祖賢96F 09/24 03:03
s155260: who knows97F 09/24 03:03
freedom1128: ガンニニャン98F 09/24 03:03
jj3414im: in my room99F 09/24 03:26
ptrex: NOBODY100F 09/24 03:35
howhowyang: GiGi in in der101F 09/24 03:37
harddick: I press like when I see boobs.102F 09/24 03:43
roson1208: ask seafood103F 09/24 03:54
QQfeijai: I am too big to tiger you.104F 09/24 04:06
jojcool: My english is not well.Come again105F 09/24 04:14
kanehhh: không ok106F 09/24 04:25
Slashing: suck my dick107F 09/24 04:26
ericoca: que linda108F 09/24 04:35
a85821: Anti kidding109F 09/24 04:57
scum5566: I jizz in my pants110F 09/24 05:18
jrr661: しらねよ111F 09/24 05:32
Krishna: Looks like Orochimaru112F 09/24 05:34
piercingX: Is good drink?113F 09/24 06:04
samsong318: The Lannister send theirs regards114F 09/24 06:13
tirain: Two tigers115F 09/24 06:16
Mondesi2006: кто она116F 09/24 06:22
wing194: hola buenos dias117F 09/24 06:30
good2009: JOJO!118F 09/24 06:35
greyrose7: lol119F 09/24 06:43
kill78941: wryyyyyyyy120F 09/24 06:44
morgan1011: suck my121F 09/24 06:46
n2688261: jizz in my pants122F 09/24 07:08
linguistics: Gun ni law shi123F 09/24 07:11
chenyenpo: Who is "he" ?124F 09/24 07:19
ping780520: How do you turn this on?125F 09/24 07:24
FFMay: Three small la126F 09/24 07:28
knic52976: You shouldn't pass127F 09/24 07:38
SetzerMulder: You like the title?128F 09/24 07:48
likeshit: winter is coming129F 09/24 07:53
narowang: Am I the only one notice the typo?130F 09/24 07:53
narowang: https://i.imgur.com/1xcbKAQ.jpg
narowang: What is "sombady"?132F 09/24 07:55
kenny0613: She is in my bed. Let me ask her.133F 09/24 07:55
i4sula: Wer ist sie?134F 09/24 07:56
belucky: 我都唸ikea135F 09/24 08:08
RoverFrank: 欺負本肥宅看不懂英文?136F 09/24 08:09
paulsama: COSTCO137F 09/24 08:11
windschnee: Was ist denn los138F 09/24 08:12
iverson88: Somebaby > <139F 09/24 08:19
j2618957333: what that F…140F 09/24 08:20
s2139165: I want tiger141F 09/24 08:22
holybless: this room no bala142F 09/24 08:27
rightmask: Haha speak english143F 09/24 08:34
johnwu: somebady是三小....144F 09/24 08:38
zxc2027: I  know she,but I can't say145F 09/24 08:39
rnmrn: It's a big secret. A secret makes a woman woman.146F 09/24 08:42
CriminalCAO: boooooobs147F 09/24 08:43
wx190: Ikea148F 09/24 08:46
jomon817: My type149F 09/24 08:47
airgp32002: no my vagetabke150F 09/24 08:48
JustWinslow: da gi gi151F 09/24 08:49
alanalan02: spongebob squarePants152F 09/24 08:56
liudwan: the comments below lol153F 09/24 08:59
stayawesome: Your mother is very fat154F 09/24 09:03
webeelegant: eight seven155F 09/24 09:05
Biglottery: You can research by google156F 09/24 09:16
piqidibi: Where is your English teacher ?157F 09/24 09:17
fjtc12: jon snow you know nothing.  witer is coming158F 09/24 09:18
Maupassant: An apple a day keeps the doctor away159F 09/24 09:21
aminga: Do you have freestyle?160F 09/24 09:21
mintsgirl: …161F 09/24 09:26
velonq0515: You are an apple in my eyes162F 09/24 09:30
pttoldbig: kawabanga163F 09/24 09:31
hank85202: Hi I'm very happy and enjoy this moment okay164F 09/24 09:34
kevlius: No puedo hablar inglés.165F 09/24 09:35
s50101: She is mine166F 09/24 09:36
Cisastom: We are foreigners.167F 09/24 09:36
BoAstala: 兩句都錯到離譜,你suicide吧168F 09/24 09:38
MoronJJ: I don't speak English!!!!169F 09/24 09:38
Boss4953: I tell YOU.  She's called "午門".170F 09/24 09:42
flowerrocker: How do you turn this on171F 09/24 09:43
misu2718: this also can bom ? wtf...172F 09/24 09:48
edward4904: 是like as the title...173F 09/24 09:50
eulbos: anti fraud174F 09/24 09:50
callTM: As title. Does anyone know her?175F 09/24 09:52
lolhaha: 打兩句錯兩句也是蠻厲害的XD176F 09/24 09:55
ny123456: Amazing !177F 09/24 10:02
kroya: " as " the tilte , ok????178F 09/24 10:04
questioner: co隳!! t butamadre179F 09/24 10:05
wheatear7: .......180F 09/24 10:13
q09701023: I am a boy ,you are a girl181F 09/24 10:13
ia220629: Your english teacher is behind you. He/she is very a182F 09/24 10:17
ia220629: ngry.
ia220629: 隨便看看有大概五個意淫推文
straypoet: 英文老師哭了,不要假裝自己是ABC好嗎?185F 09/24 10:24
jesuslin: You can try to google the pic186F 09/24 10:27
annshop: My 咖187F 09/24 10:28
cychung: 81樓 wtf??????????????188F 09/24 10:31
kuogi913: This is why I want to watch ptt everyday189F 09/24 10:35
kuogi913: Ptt gives me so many funny things
a22122212: Qwerty191F 09/24 10:35
babayaga: A giraffe's coffee would be cold by the time it reac192F 09/24 10:37
babayaga: hed the bottom of its throat.
micotosai: 英語でおk194F 09/24 10:37
sonyyoooo: Abcdefg195F 09/24 10:42
fatetwister: eight seven196F 09/24 10:47
wcc0204: I have a pen197F 09/24 10:48
z911: 窩剛從加哪大灰來198F 09/24 10:51
so1518si: Are you kidding me?199F 09/24 10:57
linisthebest: want tiger200F 09/24 10:59
ksco: Why do you speak English?201F 09/24 11:08
h9011907h: integration by parts202F 09/24 11:13
michellehot: I am inside her203F 09/24 11:14
ShinRuei: over my dead body204F 09/24 11:15
csyhri: 噓 is Mary205F 09/24 11:16
adamlovedogc: Where are you from?206F 09/24 11:18
jojodiy: abc de fghij klm nopqrst uv wxyz .207F 09/24 11:21
Michal1204: how do u turn this on208F 09/24 11:21
jinjames: yo209F 09/24 11:22
ChangeXD: Es una chica muy bonita210F 09/24 11:23
jkreg: Turn your head back to the right side211F 09/24 11:24
RobertWu407: You can research by Google XDDD212F 09/24 11:25
js52666: 有人要被桶了213F 09/24 11:32
billjoe: Kannst du kein Chinesisch?214F 09/24 11:38
shinmonlong: ching-long who 0.0?215F 09/24 11:39
tmumlsbbrian: this is an book216F 09/24 11:41
wangyude: 以為用英文講意淫語就不會被抓到逆?! XDDDDD217F 09/24 11:45
INTJ: el psy kangaroo218F 09/24 11:49
goodzoro: What the hack219F 09/24 11:49
icexfox: 沒一個正經回覆的XDD220F 09/24 11:51
tthtt60018: The Northerner will never forget221F 09/24 11:52
huma7912: bangbangbang222F 09/24 11:54
sticky91626: you float too223F 09/24 11:56
Raz1050: 推文XDDDD224F 09/24 11:58
haringwu: how old are u?I am five, thank Q225F 09/24 11:59
digi60212: Meishortgunmore226F 09/24 12:01
digi60212: Meishortgunmore
Spatial: 花惹發228F 09/24 12:02
orangesky320: S  w  s  dī229F 09/24 12:03
MichaelBourn: in in der230F 09/24 12:10
mhmichelle: as anyone231F 09/24 12:16
wenrats: Elle ne me plait pas.232F 09/24 12:19
straypoet: 噓回來233F 09/24 12:20
ltw89104: She owes you money234F 09/24 12:25
lsj049: 請問這裡是美國嗎? ==235F 09/24 12:26
steven56138: I wanna shakalaka boom boom with her236F 09/24 12:26
Lisawang: ok237F 09/24 12:28
jason820514: 講中文238F 09/24 12:29
atc22411: 靠腰怎麼都英文239F 09/24 12:30
BrightKiller: 趕快噓因為看不懂240F 09/24 12:31
a11035alan: Those who speak chinese aren't  gregarious241F 09/24 12:35
edison9311: Get the fuck off here u cunt242F 09/24 12:36
nxdwx: this is a pen243F 09/24 12:38
gool888: 趕快推才不會被發現看不懂英文244F 09/24 12:39
aromaQ626: I want to play a game.245F 09/24 12:42
aidirk: ni zai  zhuang bi ?246F 09/24 12:42
cloudpart2: she is my girlfriend247F 09/24 12:44
kevlius: 英語をやめろ248F 09/24 12:45
cityhunter04: She looks soso249F 09/24 12:45
steven56138: England is my city250F 09/24 12:48
youngsam: Ni Hao251F 09/24 12:50
askdrlin: I'm 尚萬強252F 09/24 12:58
hoodr: My magic will tear you apart253F 09/24 13:06
remsuki: mumi mumi254F 09/24 13:07
littlebear07: somebaby255F 09/24 13:10
littlebear07: somebady
wtfconk: Why is this post bomb?257F 09/24 13:13
GeorgeEgg: RIP english258F 09/24 13:14
CT0958: 有人要被桶了259F 09/24 13:15
ciscoboy604: Call me daddy260F 09/24 13:19
tupacshkur: 24601261F 09/24 13:26
tpenig: my big chi chi is ready262F 09/24 13:31
nctuDuncan: I don't need 勾芡263F 09/24 13:31
st920314: Put ur fu*king hands up !264F 09/24 13:35
brian10207: She is a girl this is a book265F 09/24 13:38
william8888: 胬胬胬 胬 胬胬胬 胬胬266F 09/24 13:46
Mshero5665: Sit down please bangbangbang267F 09/24 13:52
DodiFed: wm909_)+_',nwh==0sw ,hqaiwfouh6ty.??>[#$ˇˋ@@268F 09/24 14:02
BambooGrove: This is a book269F 09/24 14:07
coolfishman: handoru rolaiba270F 09/24 14:09
zjkgsd365: Anti-fraud271F 09/24 14:16
infinite1478: My treasure272F 09/24 14:30
teller526: ......273F 09/24 14:31
nqt: AW,274F 09/24 14:34
simanman: ta s' wal law po275F 09/24 14:41
bowbow: 假ABC276F 09/24 14:42
O87: HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON277F 09/24 14:43
nba941422: disgusting faked ABC278F 09/24 14:49
JOEL53: Woo ya ya wo ya ya ya ya woo279F 09/24 14:56
bess80208: somebady280F 09/24 15:04
Morigan: she are 意大利281F 09/24 15:04
icq7584: how do you turn this on?282F 09/24 15:08
yeary2k: That boy is not bad guy, he is a lucky man~283F 09/24 15:09
avrilstyle: 就在一堆英文唬爛下 這篇爆了284F 09/24 15:11
Hiara: 反詐騙285F 09/24 15:17
mdmdmdmd: I have two balls286F 09/24 15:28
NCTUcs: pushy so tite287F 09/24 15:35
bomda: ????288F 09/24 15:43
aznehs26: 噓289F 09/24 15:48
jokersosmart: greed is good290F 09/24 15:49

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